Yesterday (after work) we took Carol's Corolla to Grand Ronde for dinner...
then, we continued on to Lincoln City. We had tickets to see...Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons! They were great...sang all the old songs and a couple from a new CD. We got home around mid-night. I really didn't feel like getting up to go to the gym this morning...5:00 am came around really quick!
Frankie is 84!!! Still doin' it!!!
Sunday, 17 June, we picked up Jim and Vonnie and drove to Seattle, WA. We bought tickets a long time ago for Brian Culbertson at Jazz Alley (second time in 5 days :). Great show and good food! Man, that guy can play the keyboard!!! This was his last show of his Colors of Love tour. We loved every second of it! We'll see you again, soon.
A few more pics from the car show at Spirit Mountain:
That's all the news from this week. We're on the road for the next two weeks. I'll post more when we get home.