Sunday, September 28, 2014

Yesterday was quite busy. I got up and went to the gym, then borrowed Carol's car and drove to Seaside to help SOLVE ( beach clean-up). SOLVE estimated 40,000 people volunteered across the state and 42 tons of debris was disposed of.


When I got home I washed the car and raked leaves with the help of Payton :)
And to top the day was Mom Peters 88th Birthday!!! So, we took her out to On The Border and had a little Mexican food. Then we brought her to the house for a little cake and coffee.

Happy Birthday, Mom!!! Today we're taking her for lunch and a drive to the beach. She gets to hold Payton!
I have a lot of catching up to do, so I'll get right to it. Last weekend (Sept 20/21) we packed up the van, picked up Jim & Vonnie Lash, and headed for Skagit Valley Resort and went to hear Air Supply.We stopped at Spiffy's and had breakfast (no cinnamon rolls). Carol got great tickets about 12 rows back from the stage! On the isle. Which turned out really good for Jim, because when they came down the isles singing Russell shook his hand. Super concert and had a really great time playing Pinochle (the girls won...again). The weather was perfect and the Skagit was a really nice place to stay.

Oh, yes...and the highlight of the trip was all of the presents Carol got to open (one at a time) to celebrate her upcoming birthday. Two days of gift opening! Some were really funny and others were really cool! Thank You, Lash's!!! 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

We got a lot of work done Saturday: replaced the outside garage lights, installed new cabinet dividers, cleaned the BBQ.  And it was kinda hot outside - 95 degrees. So, after a shower, we drove to the beach...and it was 55 degrees and foggy. We decided to go south from Cannon Beach and I took a couple of pictures of Nehalem Bay.

We decided to have dinner in Tillamook and took Highway 6 home. Very relaxing drive and very Cool :) Here's a picture of an oyster shell hill:

Hope everyone has a good weekend...More pics soon>