Sunday, August 16, 2015

Today we ventured out to Pacific City, Oregon. Carol saw a write-up in our room guide at Pelican Shores, so we decided to drive over and check this place out. The nice beaches, Pelican Brewery, and Fat Freddies looked to be the highlights of the town.

They also had their version of Haystack Rock. We got there early, so we didn't stop to eat. But, at 10:30 a.m. it was 65 degrees and windy. The parking lot was filling up fast (must be a popular place).
We drove North to Cannon Beach and ate lunch at Pigs 'n Pancake.

More news to come...

Saturday, August 8, 2015

After visiting the desert, we decided to cool down a bit and head for Pelican Shores, Lincoln City, OR. They did a great remodel last winter. We stayed on the bottom, our patio had beach access. We used the chairs and table on the patio!

Carol made friends with RUDY...he came out of nowhere. And wasn't afraid to step right up and take a bite of granola.
We had time for a couple of games of bowling (Delake Bowl), a quick stop at the Christmas Shop, and a movie, before settling in for the evening.
We want to thank Linda and Ron for watching Payton while we were away! We know he had a good time with his "family" :)       More to come!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

On Saturday, Aug. 1st, we loaded the van and headed for the John Day Fossil Beds in Central Oregon. I've always wanted to visit, so we did a day trip...a long day trip! We were on the road by 7:00am. Drove East on Hwy 84 and turned South on Hwy 206. We didn't stop at Fossil or Condon, but made it to the Thomas Condon Paleontology Center by 12:30pm.

The 18 minute movie was really informative. It gave a quick overview of all the fossil beds and the different rocks, plants, animals that are "trapped in time". The displays from each dig are amazing and well catalogged. The reason for this trip was to explore which of these locations we'd like to visit and hike at a later date. But,  not was 105 degrees out here!!!   
Did I mention that I have a new Grandson....Jackson was born to Kelly and Mike on Wednesday, July 22nd.
So, now, Mikayla, Madison, Grace, and Savannah have a BROTHER :) Congrats!!!!
More news soon.  
Summer is the best time for us to catch up on house, we had the damaged fence (East side) replaced. The posts broke off in high winds last winter.

We put off cleaning the mold off the eves and side of the house because we were waiting for the new construction next door. Now that all of the trees are gone and the sawdust has settled...we had the house painted, including the eves and trim.

There is always time to work in a trip to the beach!!! These were taken on Sunday July 19th. at Cannon Beach.

 I'll post more today.